This route description follows the Cape Horn Loop in the counter clockwise direction starting and ending at the Salmon Falls Road park-and-ride.  It includes portions of the loop on Upper Cape Horn Trail, Lower Cape Horn Trail, and Cape Horn RoadTime points are given for completing the loop to meet Skamania Transit.


Upper Cape Horn Trail:

1:30 PM  -  at the park and ride
This allows for the bus to be a few minutes later than the scheduled time of 1:10 PM.

Walk toward the intersection of Salmon Falls Road and Canyon Creek Road.  There is a gravel path leading from the park-and-ride to a point where a trailhead sign can be seen across Salmon Falls Road.

Cross the road and follow the trail about 200 yards before switching back to cross a small stream.  The trail then climbs the stream bank in the downstream direction.  After a right turn go uphill for less than ¼ mile before a wide turning switchback.  There are another six switchbacks turns before the trail turns right and levels out for about 100 yards.

2:00 PM  -  at the level part after switchbacks

The trail climbs a bit (There may be short alternate routes here that can be used to avoid muddy sections.) and comes to a left turn.  There is a side trail here that continues straight to meet a power line maintenance road.  An accidental detour here will not take long since the road is only a few yards away from the trail.  In a little more than 100 yards the trail approaches the power line road and there is a side trail to the right that leads to it.  Ignore the road access and continue slightly to the left.

Shortly the trail becomes steep and a bit rocky.  To the left of the trail the terrain slopes steeply down.  After a switchback turn and a dip around a fallen trunk the trail continues up and along the bank above the power line road.  Soon it meets the power line clearing where it turns left back.  Before turning back into the woods, look north to a view of Silver Star Mountain.

The slope to the left of the trail becomes steeper until the trail come out on a viewpoint.  The Salmon Falls park-and-ride can be seen 700 feet below.  Continue up along a ridge to a higher viewpoint.  Here a short spur goes out to where a fallen tree has tipped up its roots.

2:30 PM  -  at the tipped tree viewpoint
If it has taken more than an hour to climb to this point, consider turning back after another hour at one of the viewpoints farther along the route.

Follow the trail away from the edge and into the woods.  Go a few yards into an area cleared of brush but not trees.  Avoid paths in the cleared area and go generally left along the line of the cliff but back from the edge.  Soon the trail comes out along the very edge of the cliff.  Walk carefully for about 10 yards to a point where the trail turns away from the cliff and enters the woods.  It is possible to continue along the edge but this is a dead-end.

Continue directly away from the edge for 100 yards until the trail turns right and slightly down.  Avoid faint side trails in this area.  Follow a sharp curve to the left and continue down.  The trail joins the power line road to the right in the fashion of a highway merge.  Continue in the direction of travel on the road.  In less than 200 yards the trail leaves the road to the left in highway exit fashion.  In a few dozen yards of narrow trail the route moves onto an old road grade at a point where the old road curves down to meet the power line road.  This is the old Pioneer Road.  Follow it up, crossing under a small power line until the trail leaves it in a slight turn to the right.

In about 100 yards come to an obvious left turn and proceed between woods on the left and overgrown hedge row on the right.  This right-of-way comes out on paved Strunk Road.  Turn left, walk along the road for 100 yards, and turn right on the first of two gravel roads that are only a few feet apart.

3:00 PM  -  at Strunk Road

This gravel road is the driveway to a former home site.  Where it starts slightly down, veer left toward views to the east.  The home site has been cleared of buildings and most non-native plants but it is still easy to find the cliff edge lookout that was downhill from the house.  It is possible to go far enough down to look back toward a steep water course to the north.

The trail down to the SR14 crossing enters the woods near the upper part of the lookout.  Come up from the lookout along the east and south edge of the woods.  In about 10 yards, begin looking for a trail heading directly into the woods.  (Turn back and look again after searching the edge of the woods for 100 yards.)  After curving and descending gently through the woods the trail joins another trail from above at a switch back in that trail. (There is no consequence if this junction is overlooked.)  Continue down to the first of four switchback turns.  After the switchbacks the trail climbs slightly to an overlook far above the place where the highway passes hard up against the cliff.

3:15 PM  -  at “Chainlink Overlook”
Decide whether to turn back or continue on the loop.  If it is after 3:15 PM a fast pace will be necessary on the lower trail and Cape Horn Road.

The trail leaves the overlook southward along the cliff top.  The screen above the highway is anchored here.  Be careful not to trip on the cables.  A short switchback takes the trail away from the edge and it meanders down through the woods.  After passing a small dilapidated wood building, the trail curves around to a stream crossing.  Climb up from the stream and continue within earshot of SR14 before reaching it at the end of a guardrail.

3:30 PM  -  at state route 14 crossing
If there is less than 2 hours before the return bus it is probably better to turn around and return via the upper trail.  The lower trail is not suitable for a fast pace.  It is not safe to return via the highway.  The half-bridge has a rock wall on one side and nothing but air on the other.  There is no space for pedestrians.

Lower Cape Horn Trail:

The continuation of the trail on the other side of the highway may not be visible before crossing but it is directly across at the end of a guardrail.  The narrow path drops down the bank before turning right and leading away from the highway.  Switch back and down to a stream crossing.  (Avoid a faint side trail to the left before the crossing.)  In 100 yards come to a well worn intersection by a large tree.  To the left is a viewpoint above the waterfall that flows over the lower trail as it crosses far below.  To the right is a trail back to the highway.

Continue straight across the junction and in a bit more than 100 yards come to a creek crossing.  Shortly the trail comes out onto the very edge of the cliff before turning away into more secure terrain.  In icy conditions or in the company of children or Acrophobes this section can be avoided by a short bushwhack a few yards back from the edge.

Soon there is a viewpoint in the shelter of a large tree, then two switchback turns and another viewpoint.  After negotiating a perpetually wet with the aid of a stile come to seven switchback turns in the woods followed by six switchback turns out on a rockfall.  Walk above a large block then switchback right and slide by the side of it.

4:00 PM  -  below the switchbacks

Walk along a small stream for a few yards then up slightly to a viewpoint.  From here you can see the railroad disappearing into a tunnel below.  This tunnel will be underfoot but undetectable for most of the way to Cape Horn Road.

Pass four angle iron anchors of an old beacon and proceed along the cliff 200 feet above the waters of the Mighty Columbia.  The viewpoints along this section have faint bypass trails that can be used in icy conditions or when the gorge wind is high.  The trail leaves the edge and climbs out onto a moss covered rockfall in four switchback turns.  Cross a small stream and head out to traverse another rockfall.  Sometimes two waterfalls can be seen from here.

The way enters the woods and heads toward a stream as if to cross but then turns back out onto the rockfall.  Switching back on the rockfall the trail once again heads toward the stream and this time crosses behind it at a waterfall.

4:30 PM  -  at the falls

In less than ¼ mile there is a nice view upriver from out on a small block.  The way down from here is very steep for a few feet.  This section may require hand holds on nearby trees and stumps.  In less than another ¼ mile cross four chutes leading down over a cliff and into the river.  When stream flow is high or in freezing conditions these chutes can be dangerous.  A fall would certainly be fatal.

After two switchback turns the trail traverses rockfalls far below SR14.  When Cape Horn Road is in sight look to the left for the trail to weave through a few small boulders and then descend the bank to the road.

4:55 PM  -  at Cape Horn Road
The road can be walked in 30 minutes at a moderate pace.

Cape Horn Road:

The decorative gate on the road down to the river is the end of the public portion of Cape Horn Road.  Walk away from the gate along the road for a bit less than a mile and a half.  Look for the small green 1 mile marker on the left side.

5:05 PM  -  at 1 mile marker
If it is after 5:15 PM the last mile must be covered in less than 20 minutes.  Use the fastest possible walking speed.

Directly across highway 14 from the right side of Cape Horn Road is the beginning of a gravel path.  Cross SR14 and follow this path.  It turns left and climbs steeply to a point where the toilets and bus stop can be seen ahead.

5:25 PM  -  at Salmon Falls Road park-and-ride
10 minutes to use the toilet and relax before the bus comes